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How to store firewood

All Pheasant logs are designed to have low moisture content with a maximum moisture content of 20%. It’s important when you store them to protect them from the weather and any moisture.

The most common way to store logs is inside a log store. Ideally this would be kept in a barn or a garage, but if this is not possible then it can be covered with tarpaulin during winter months or rainy days, the logs should not be completely sealed, as air flow is very important.

Use a raised log store or raise it by putting it on a pallet. This keeps the logs away from the any moisture on the ground.

Avoid stacking logs on the ground, against a wall or on grass. A log store allows air to flow around the logs which helps to keep them dry.

It’s a good idea to bring a stack of logs into the house and store them before you burn them, this will help them dry further. Logs can be stored by the fireplace in a basket or another suitable place.

Wheelbarrow and a open shed shelter with burning fire wood with natural stones and grass on the background

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