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How to store kiln dried logs

It’s official.

Summer is long gone and cold, dark nights are fast approaching.

With the autumn near enough in full swing, now is the perfect time to prep for the season ahead – and all the cosy campfires and nights cuddled beside the log burner it brings.

If you’re stocking up on wood to burn throughout the ‘ber’ months, kiln dried logs are an excellent choice, offering much longer burn times and better value for money than popular alternatives.

However, it’s important to make sure you have the space to store them and know how to store them properly to keep them in the best, usable condition.

Our experts at Pheasant & Co. share our top tips for storing kiln dried logs in this article.


Consider location carefully

Where you store your kiln-dried logs is the key to keeping them in good condition.

Many people believe that they should only be stored outside, but – providing you have sufficient space – they can also be kept indoors.

In fact, keeping them inside, especially during autumn and winter, is the better option, as you’ll be able to better preserve the logs’ low moisture content in a dry, low-humidity atmosphere.

No matter whether you’re keeping kiln dried wood inside or outside, it’s a good idea to invest in a purpose-built log store, to ensure it stays dry and out of reach of bugs and other pests.

At Pheasant and Co., we provide both small and large pre-built wooden log stores, that are the perfect home for your kiln dried logs all year round.

The positioning of your log store is just as important as the log store itself. You should try to keep it somewhere with good airflow and in direct sunlight – ideally south-facing – and out of areas that are exposed to excessive wind to avoid rain blowing inside.


Keep kiln dried logs off the ground

Whether you’re planning on investing in a log store or not, it’s important to make sure you keep your kiln dried firewood off the ground, for a couple of reasons:

  • To protect them from moisture – Rain, sleet, and snow can increase the moisture content of kiln dried logs and undo the drying process.
  • To ensure they have good airflow – Placing logs on grass or against walls can restrict airflow, which can cause them to become damp.
  • To prevent pests – By keeping logs off the ground, you can prevent unwanted bugs and pests from entering and causing any damage.
  • To reduce the risk of rot – By keeping your logs in a purpose-built store or on top of a pallet, you can reduce the risk of rot and ensure they stay suitable for all your log-burning requirements.


Invest in a weather-proof covering

If you’ve no choice but to keep your kiln dried logs outside, shielding them from rain, snow, and ice during the colder months is crucial.

When your firewood absorbs moisture from these elements, it can lead to a range of issues, such as decreased heat output and shorter burn duration, just to name a few.

To prevent this from happening, use a weatherproof cover or a sheet of tarpaulin to help your logs maintain their integrity.

Make sure to remove the cover on dry sunny days to allow for ample ventilation and avoid them from sweating and losing their dry condition.


Rethink your stacking method

Stacking your stash of kiln dried logs isn’t as easy as piling them one on top of the other, and there’s a meticulous method to follow if you want to keep them in the best condition possible.

Stacking them in a criss-cross pattern, for example, enhances airflow and ensures that your logs stay dry and well-ventilated. This will also prevent your pile from toppling to the ground.


Need more expert tips?

Whether  you need more advice on how to store your kiln dried logs this autumn and winter or you’re shopping around for your kiln dried firewood and accessories, we’ve got you covered here at Pheasant and Co.

Made from sustainably sourced ash and birch, we supply both small and large bulk bags of kiln dried firewood to see you through the rest of the year and beyond.

We even offer a subscribe and save option, allowing you to steer clear of shortages and save money by pre-booking regular deliveries.

To find out more, give us a call today on 01280 825 766 or send us an email and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions and offer expert advice!

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