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Choosing the Right Logs For Wood Burners

Different types of logs for wood burners can greatly influence the performance and longevity of stoves. In this guide, we’ll explore aspects of firewood logs to assist with your.

A wood burner not only adds warmth to your home but also creates a cosy and inviting atmosphere. To make the most of it and ensure efficient and clean burning, it is essential to choose the right type of logs.

Hardwood Logs For Efficient Burning

Hardwood logs like ash and oak are renowned for their exceptional burning qualities, making them a popular choice for wood burners. Hardwood trees are denser and have a higher energy content compared to softwoods. This density leads to slower burning, consistent heat output, and longer-lasting fires.

The slow-burning nature of hardwood logs is advantageous for wood burners, as it reduces the need for frequent refuelling. Additionally, the high energy content means you’ll need to load the wood burner with fewer logs, contributing to a more convenient and cost-effective performance.

When using hardwood logs, please ensure they are properly seasoned to achieve optimal results.

Seasoned Logs – Controlled Moisture Content

Seasoning refers to the process of allowing wood to dry out before using it for burning. Freshly cut logs typically have a high moisture content, which hinders efficient combustion and leads to excessive smoke and reduced heat.

Seasoned logs, on the other hand, have been dried to a moisture content of around 20% or lower and are typically stored in a purpose-designed log store. This low moisture content ensures that the logs burn efficiently, producing more heat and less smoke.

Better burning not only helps your comfort and reduces the risk of chimney fires; it also protects the environment. Reduced smoke emissions contribute to better air quality and in some areas, there could be difficulties with local authorities that are certainly best avoided.

To properly season logs, they should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area for at least six months to a year. Using a moisture meter helps determine the moisture content of the logs before use.

Fireplace logs, available in convenient bundles or tonne bags of ash, birch, or oak, offer a hassle-free option for wood burner owners. These logs are a great option for beginners who are new to wood burners as they eliminate the need for splitting and stacking larger logs.

Choosing the right logs for your wood burner is a decision that impacts the performance of your appliance and the risks of frustrations if done wrong or even unsafe operation.

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